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Vase Painting


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Avie Meadows Studios

Avie makes ‘small batch’ graphic and functional ceramic plates, platters, and sculptural insects.


Much of her work focuses on bringing attention to the beauty and un-predictability of life. It offers an invitation to slow down and observe the little things, each other, and the food that nourishes us.

Avie Meadows
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Diana Rose Studio

DianaRoseStudio Shop on Etsy

Diana Rose Ryan fell in love with ceramics in 2002 while studying at the University of Oregon, where she learned how to make her own glazes and fire kilns.

She started teaching art in the Corvallis community in 2007 at the Corvallis Arts Center, OSU Craft Center and in the Corvallis School District. In 2018 She opened her home studio, Diana Rose Studio, where she teaches private classes in addition to creating her own artwork.  

When not creating or teaching, Diana is helping support community art projects, community murals, showing mixed media and clay work monthly at The Nest Collective and organizing and showing work in the South Town Art Walk.

Diana Rose
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UV KERAMIK features functional pottery, usable art pieces to enjoy in day-to-day life but, hopefully, too nice to hide in a cupboard.

Ute is a graphic designer by trade (semi-retired) and is grateful for 30 years of ‘being paid for playing with crayons.’ Her love for color translates well to working with clay, and her favorite part is glazing.

Ute enjoys working with colleagues and artists from other fields, and is the coordinator of the monthly 2nd Saturday Artisan Market at Common Fields.

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